
May at Winterthur and in the Brandywine Valley is absolutely spectacular! I just finished reading Jay Cantor’s amazing book about Winterthur Museum. He writes: “Exbury azaleas are at their best during May, as are native azaleas, some of which bloom into summer. Hybrid herbacious and tree peonies and candelabra primulas are also in flower during May and extend well into June”. Come and see for yourself on my May 2013 trip to Winterthur:) Read more at Jay E Cantor, Winterthur, New York: Harry N Abrams, 1986. In the Acknowledgments Jay writes: “and to my classmates and fellow graduates of the Winterthur Program in Early American Culture, this book is dedicated.” That’s me! I graduated from the Winterthur Program in Early American Culture in 1988.

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